A cute child, a movie star husband and a Broadway acting debut...
You would think that all is well with Katie Holmes.
But, I don't care how you slice it...Nothing ever seems 100% O.K. with her and her family.
Not like Gweneth Paltrow, who show up last week on Oprah...Katie seems to have something waiting or wanting in the wings.
I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop for her and I am ready to run out and read the tell-all book.
Anyhoo, her whoop-di-doo Broadway play goes off with out a hitch?.... Maybe.
And, that depends on your definition of "hitch".
Katie Holmes knows how to draw a crowd _ including anti-Scientology demonstrators.SourceNearly 100 people lined up outside the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre Thursday night an hour before Holmes acted on Broadway for the first time in a preview performance for "All My Sons."
Not in the line: roughly 30 Scientology protesters who stood behind a barricade and loudly chanted "Scientology kills!" Some wore masks like in the movie "V for Vendetta," and one poster read: "FREE KATIE."
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