Saturday, May 17, 2008

Paris Hilton: Waaahhh! I Wanna Get Married!

They've been dating for less than three months, but Paris Hilton and Benji Madden already have marriage in mind.

Like this will last! Puhlleazzze!

In fact, she's already pondering her gown: "I'd wear a beautiful white dress," she said dreamily, "probably Dolce & Gabbana."

Dreamily... Paris, OMG! Are you really that dense?

"We are the perfect match," said the 27-year-old (who begins filming her MTV reality show, I Wanna Be Paris's New Best Friend! on Monday). "We don't like being apart, we like to stay with each other as much as we can."
I guess this is what we want to base a lifelong relationship on. Paris, forget talking to you 'cuz you've proved you are hard-headed!

Blah, blah, blah, Paris!


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